International Open Call for Performing Artists – Alto Fragile – Napoli – Italia

For a creative residency of 2 months

Deadline 2nd of December 2012
The call is open for two performers who carry out a personal and distinguishable performing research, whose work must have a strong authorial component as well as an innovative aesthetic tension, engaging a dialogue with the needs of our times. Performers should be eager to have an encounter and a contamination with TeatrInGestAzione’s work.

The residency is an inherent part of the theatre research programme
ALTOFRAGILE 2013 –III edition
exhibit of creative processes for resident artists and active spectators
by TeatrInGestAzione

For complete information on the residency please visit
Here you can download the Call and find all complimentary information.

Times and places

The residency will be developed throughout 2 months, from the 28th of December 2012 to the 10th of March 2013, working 6/8 hours per day, at the DAMM teatro, where TeatrinGestAzione carries out the company’s activities, in the Historic Centre of Naples, in the Montesanto area of the city, according to a pre-scheduled calendar that will be communicated on the first day of the residency.

Artists shall cover travel, accommodation and living expenses during the time of the residency. For those artists who will look for mobility grants from institutions in their home country, to cover expenses (travel, food and accommodation) TeatrInGestAzione’s management will provide an official invitation letter.

In any case the management will guarantee on arrival a temporary accommodation in the home of one of the members of the company, during the time the selected artists will need to find a more long term accommodation.


The programme of this third edition plans an investigation on the topics of the second movement of the multiannual project avVento. Identità e geografie a venire (advent. Identities and geographies to come) – creative laboratory for the creation of a new myth of foundation – with which in 2011 TeatrInGestAzione won the DE.MO./ Movin’UP award supporting the mobility of Italian emerging talents in the world (GAI and MiBAC).

At the down of the XVI c., Mikołaj Kopernik gathered the Earth moves around the sun.
With this intuition begins the history of a new way of looking at us and of looking at the world. A way of looking that does not separate. A way of looking based on a new awareness of man, that recognises himself as matter, indistinguishable from the matter that we are enmeshed with, atoms among atoms, substance encrusted of animal and stars.

Artists will be asked to investigate processes that in a number of milieus of knowledge (science, philosophy and spirituality) caused an overturning and a subversion of man’s perception. Those Copernican, beastly, visions that freed a new possibility of understanding ourselves as humans capable of planning our actions. The investigation will have to turn to the study of the masters of visions, trying to comprehend which processes led them to “see” in a new way and what aspects of their visions hand down to us a duty of foundation.

Before the residency, bibliographical and thematic work will be assigned to the selected artists, to be the first elements of analysis for the first day of work.
During the residency, artists should develop a personal stage creation in dialogue with the methodology, the poetics and the aesthetics of TeatrInGestAzione, throughout a constant and daily exchange with the company members. Selected artists’ creative processes will be coordinated and sided by the directors Gesualdi / Trono and by the company’s dramaturg L. Mesiti who will be the artists’ tutors.
The residency consists of daily moment of study and of individual preparation together with moments of presentation of the elements in-progress, observation, analysis and exchange with the creative processes activated.
The work includes moments of “public staging”, when the investigation is taken outside the rehearsal venue to have a direct contact with the urban texture of the city, in a non-declared manner.
By practicing the Public Staging, the work will meet the present time of the city hosting our work, for a live meditation on the destiny of the citizens who ay become the audience of the work.
The poetic thought will break the boundaries of the text to find the city, thus the performing action is moved, it goes out form the rehearsal venue to become Public Staging.
All the artists involved will have to write a personal journal of their experience, which will be made public on a website created to interact with the audience that will follow the creation developments. Journals shall be passed on to tutors every ten days, and they will be included in the project’s archive and then in a future publication.
The whole project will be documented with photos and videos in every moment, with no possibility of exceptions. The whole material will be for sole use of the management, by applying to this call, the candidate artists accepts with no further conditions the making and the diffusion of the said materials.

At the end of the residency, artists will guarantee a stage presentation of the work which shall not be longer than twenty minutes. The presentation will be presented to the artistic direction which will evaluate the thematic adherence with the project as well as its aesthetic affinities. The artistic direction will then decide whether to invite the artists to the following period of stage elements exchange, collective creation and formalisation, before the short tour of the second movement #Bestiale Copernicana in a number of Italian cities.
Artists may also be invited to present a personal creation for the ALTO FEST 2013 International Festival of Performing Arts for an Urban/Human requalification, which will take place in Naples in the first week of July 2013 (

We suggest having a look at the following link to have a better understanding of the research programme AltoFragile.
AltoFragile Tutorial

Candidates must provide the following documents:

-A brief dossier (.pdf) outlining the course (ethical and aesthetical) of the research and of the processes so far pursued .The document shall include links to photo and video material showing the work outlined. N.B name the file “dossier own name”

-A document (.pdf) with a video link to a work, or to a part of a work (which can also be within an other person’s work) considered by the candidate artist as his or her most mature creation from artistic point of view. The document must also contain a summary grid indicating the stages of the creative process. N.B name the file “work own name”

-A document (.pdf) indicating a work or more generically a person, whose VISION in a scientific and/or spiritual context, provoked a historical and paradigmatic change in the way of perceiving reality from the view point of the candidate artist. The artist shall also answer the question:
What relationship is there between the chosen vision, your present time and the urban context where you act?
The question can be answered also with video and photo elements. N.B name the file “vision own name”

within the 2nd of December 2012 hours 24.00 Napoli local time
via mail to

In the subject it must say “ALTOFRAGILE RESIDENCY / own name”

The body of the email should include personal details, including phone number and email address. Without the above information the application will not be accepted.
All application emails will receive a confirmation email.


(Italian) +39 320 0304861
(English) +39 328 2786689

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