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I am a prostitute waiting for your 100 kisses. Video Installation

Espacio Práctico, Barcelona

by Abraham Hurtado

Executed by: Maureen López, Roberto Martínez
Music: Ivan Roca
Director Photography: Anders Bigum
Still photography: Lidia Mombiela

Thanks to the audience who activated the live installation and Danilo Pioli, Erre que Erre, Espacio Práctico
A performance/video Installation based in the presence of the body, a live transformation by the act of kissing. A long duration process to the 100 Kisses. The performance has to be activated by the audience.
You are here to look, to watch, to see, to react, to think, to cry, to laugh…What can I give to the audience and what do I get from them? An experience to questioning what has been prostituted in performing arts. Offering the performer as a prostitute, to their entrainment.

Movie AADK Sommer Bar Berlín.

Abraham Hurtado / Vania Rovisco

An extended performance/ Installation of composition, offering an overview from work presented under AADK. Presented in the Sommer Bar Festival, held within the Tanz im August Festival in Berlin this year. The work had the duration of 5 hours, an encounter between music, performance and live installation.

Constructing Fears

Concept by Abraham Hurtado, Created by Several Artists

To know the artists who participate follow this link:​

The proposals of “Constructing Fears” it was presented at Centro Párraga 18th March 2010 as a Live Installation. Guest artists had a common starting point for work, in these case are ”the fears”, that these being the source inspiration from which we started and approach towards to the creation of different shapes and textures of the same ….Physical, psychological or intangible’s fears. We presented this movie as excerpt of the presentation.

Roger Adam, Carlos Aledo, Emilio Ayala, Anders Bigum, Mario G. Sáez, Alberto García Tormo, Laura Gárcia, Eva Gómez Mataix, Sónia Gómez, Pedro Gálvez, Jerónimo Hagerman, Miguel Angel Hernández, Anabel Labrador, Maureen López Lembo, Isa Millán, Lummu Persch, Cristina Perch, Ivan Planes Cano, Joaquín Revenga “Tatín”, Sara Serrano, Leticia Tárrega, Sofia Verástegui, Arkadi Zaides.

Extracto de la viuda: “I am a Prostitute Waiting your 100 Kisses”

“I am a prostitute waiting for your 100 kisses”

Idea y Dirección: Abraham Hurtado / AADK
Ejecutado por: Maureen López, Roberto Martínez
Director fotografía: Anders Bigum
Música: Ivan Roca
Documentación Visual: Lidia Mombiela

Espacio practico: 12 de diciembre de 2010 – 18h a 21h

Una Performance/ Video Instalación basada en la presencia del cuerpo. Una transformación en vivo através del la acción del beso. Una relación íntima entre el artista y el público. Un proceso de larga duracion hasta conseguir los 100 besos. La performance será activada por el público. Estás aqui para mirar, observar, contemplar, reaccionar, pensar, llorar, reir, comentar…Que podemos ofrecerte y que nos ofreces tú en tu intervención. Una experiencia para cuestionar que ha sido prostituido en el arte, que es lo que esperas que haga entregandote mi cuerpo, mi presencia, mis pensamientos…