Exposición de Silvia Ulloa Márquez en EP



Silvia Ulloa Márquez

(Presentación del trabajo realizado durante tres meses como residente en Hangar)
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‘Imaginary conversation between two people on earth:

Are you hiding?
No, I’m continuously disappearing.
Do you go somewhere else when you dissapear?
Where is ‘Everywhere’?
Nowhere in particular.
What is it like in ‘Everywhere’?
Like here.
Then why do you go?
I don’t know.’

Text by Justin Gosker, inspired by the work of Silvia Ulloa Marquez.

16 Diciembre de 20h-23h
17 Diciembre de 12h-14h y de 17h-20h
18 Diciembre 13h-16h

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