28 y 29/07 -John The Houseband – Altruismes musicals amb Don John Quixote Band

———————————————————————————————————————————— Este fin de semana no hay que perder de ver y conocer artistas como: 26 y 27 Julio Cristina Blanco – «Ciencia_ficción», a la Cristina siempre hay que venir a ver,,no te lo pierdas, no te lo pierdas para…

FREE PUSSY RIOT!!! pre-trial detention of 3 Pussy Riot members in Russia was extended until January 2013

FREE PUSSY RIOT!!! pre-trial detention of 3 Pussy Riot members in Russia was extended until January 2013

———————————————————————————————————————————– With enough international pressure we can help free them. WE WANT THEM FREE!!! WE CARE A LOT!!! Today, the pre-trial detention of 3 Pussy Riot members in Russia was extended until January 2013. And if convicted they could spend…