Un poco de sostenuto

video Info
  • K_A op. 10. Un poco de sostenuto 
    The invitation to participate in the CA2M Picnic Sessions, with the caption “Silence and their presences” gave rise to remix Audition op. 8 (Out of tune), and also led to the emergence of this new tab: ReMix.

    ON SILENCE AND ITS PRESENCES (curators: Jeleton y Jose Villalobos)
    They say that silence hides violence,
    and that it has been proven that total silence does not exist.
    Perhaps there are many ways of saying things without always needing to use words and the vibration of the air that accompanies them. At these picnics, we want to stop at these gestures, looks, actions and deviations used to speak in a thousand different languages, some strange, others subterranean, those we theoretically understand and those we don’t. A maximalist silence.

    Chus picnic 1cChus picnic 2