Archives for posts with tag: convocatoria

La caldera abre la convocatoria a su programa de residencias caldera-residencias 2010.

El objetivo es acoger a diversos artistas de las artes escénicas de ámbito nacional e internacional, con diferentes edades y trayectorias, para trabajar en nuestro espacio durante el periodo 2010.

Los proyectos pueden estar dirigidos tanto a la creación/producción como a la investigación/ pensamiento.

La selección de los artistas la realizará una comisión formada por miembros de la Caldera y profesionales externos.

Bases de la convocatoria clica aquí

Formulario Creación | Producción clica aquí

Formulario Investigación | Pensamiento clica aquí

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DiàlACTS creacions en moviment

Abierta la inscripción hasta el 18 de diciembre de 2009

El 14 de septiembre se abrió la inscripción al proyecto DiàlACTS, creacions en moviment, evento que  tendrá lugar el 26 de marzo de 2010 en Can Felipa. Se mostrarán en público cinco piezas coreográficas creadas en base a obras y/o artistas de otras disciplinas artísticas, como la pintura, la escultura, la música o la literatura, y también se podrá ver una exposición del material sobre el cual ha trabajado cada coreógrafo.

Los artistas que quieran inscribirse pueden hacerlo hasta el 18 de diciembre de 2009:

Formulario de inscripción

Bases del proyecto

DiàlACTS, creacions en moviment, propone un diálogo entre los distintos lenguajes artísticos, y está dirigido a profesionales de las diversas ramas del arte. Esta propuesta nace de la necesidad de crear una conexión entre el lenguaje coreográfico y el lenguaje de las distintas disciplinas artísticas. Danza y artes plásticas, arquitectura, literatura, música, etc., interaccionan, bien de manera directa con el artista escogido, o a través de su obra, ofreciendo, además, una exposición del trabajo de cada artista.

Más información en:

Con el patrocinio de:

Can Felipa

Niu_espai artístic contemporani




Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Aerowaves is a Europe-wide project started in 1997, which brings together dance specialists from 32 countries to look at the work of new and emerging choreographers. For the last twelve years this has resulted in ten performance opportunities at The Place in London as part of the Resolution! festival as well as many other informal presentations around Europe.

However, for the first time in 2009, over 70 additional performances were confirmed in 21 other European cities: Moscow, Oslo, Helsinki, Tallinn, Vilnius, Copenhagen, Dublin, Amsterdam, Luxembourg, Frankfurt, Prague, Poznan, Warsaw, Zurich, Lausanne, Bassano del Grappa, Rome, Porto, Limassol, Osijek and Zagreb. We hope to offer similar opportunities in 2010.

Application for 2010 is open to any artists in geographical Europe (including the UK), although performances will not be offered in their country of residence.

Apply now at:

If you have already applied to Aerowaves, successfully or not, you may apply again with a new work.

You can find out more about Aerowaves on the website including its history, the partners and companies who have benefited from the opportunity. You can also view the guidelines in German, French, Spanish and Italian (from August 2009).

Please do not hesitate to contact me by email with any questions or you can call Francesca Moseley on +44 20 7121 1043. You may also like to speak to your local Aerowaves partner and I can put you in touch with them.

If the Aerowaves opportunity is not something that interests you, please forward this email to other artists for whom it might be more appropriate.

We look forward to receiving your application.


John Ashford & Anna Arthur

Kinitiras Studio performing arts residency – Duration: from 1 week to 2 months

*Discipline: Performing Arts
*Targetgroup: International

KINITIRAS DANCE SPECTACLE was founded in 1996. Since then, Kinitiras has a continuous presence in the field of dancetheatre focusing on the theatrical character of dance. The company is working based on the theories of Rudolf Laban, Augusto Boal and Devised Theatre with dancers, actors and amateurs creating its own type of performer.

The educational aspect of dance and theatre occupied KINITIRAS all these years so the idea of creating its own studio became more than essential. KINITIRAS STUDIO will be ready by the end of 2009 in order to offer artistic residencies, workshops, seminars and lecture demonstrations to artists and amateurs. In adddition KINITIRAS is encouraging the young creators from the company to present their work and to explore their artistic ideas.
Studio Information
One space of approximately 100m2 with wooden floor. Sound and Lighting facilities. Free Internet access. Projector and mini dv camera.
Accommodation Information
The centre is offering for free the accomodation in a loft inside the studio. Outside the studio the artist has to pay for his/her accomodation.
Deadline: July 30
Application address
Erehthiou 22
117 42 Athens
Telephone 0030 210 9248328