
One guest
6 videos (or more)
their selection

Every month we invite a guest to present their selection of six videos that exist online and that revolve around a subject of their choice, a favourite genre, a personal take on things or an obsession. Go ahead, take a look around our archive.

Feb. 2013
Martí Manen

Straying from the script, as part of the plan

The script ? all the content laid out in sequence so that it can then be read back as a logical chain. A structure, a system, a container, a prison. The script ? that which we would sometimes prefer to walk away from. Except that perhaps every gesture that attempts to stray from the predefined script is simply a game, a nod to the script, a desire for perfection within it. There have been some great attempts to surprise or bewilder the audience by failing to follow the script. But who can say to what extent this bewilderment can be a wonderful means to finding the very logic of the script. Of another script that incorporates the first, another script that incorporates the second, that incorporates the third, of another script that incorporates? cut, it?s a take.

Orson Welles. The Trial (1962) Trailer (Kafka)

Trailer of the film by Welles based on the book by Kafka. Josef K. doesn?t know why he has been arrested, and everything seems to have been worked out beforehand. Discovering intrigues and their deadly randomness.

Pep Guardiola. Press conference at Bernabéu (full)

Twenty minutes of a rhetorical exercise that consists of changing the rules of the game, destroying your rival without remorse and making it look as if you?re doing it almost without meaning to. At the end, a triple jump takes you from person to club to country.

Pilvi Takala. Real Snow White

A ?fake? character in a fake real place. Pilvi Takala takes Snow White to the doors of Disney Kingdom. Just being there is a problem. A character who is not under control is a time bomb.

Lars von Trier. "I understand Hitler" Press conference for Melancholia at Cannes

Von Trier tries to be as provocative as possible and knows exactly what buttons to push. Kirsten Dunst does too, and she sees what?s coming, like the end of the world. There is no way out. From the first instant.

Keren Cytter. Untitled

A play. A stage. Front and back. A text that can be in either of the two. The actor and the actress, innocence, knowing how to read reality like a stage play.

Tom Cruise. Oprah

All the over-the-top moments, one after another. Tom Cruise turns every fall into a show and it seems fair to wonder whether Oprah was aware of what was going on.

Ingmar Bergman. After Rehearsal

The dramatisation of reality, trying to depart from the predefined roles of actress and director. Or to keep them forever. The past that marks an uncertain future. The script in the pauses; in what is left unsaid.

Paco Umbral. Yo he venido aquí a hablar de mi libro

Something achieves classic status when it starts to form part of everyday speech. Paco Umbral explodes on live TV, but the title of his book is mentioned, even though the situation overpowers the information. Apparently.

Salvador Dalí (Merv Griffin Show)

If there was one person who knew how to appear to have strayed from the script, that person was Salvador Dalí. In this TV show he positions himself within art history, plays with language and addresses a multilingual viewer. The video is an advertisement to licence more video footage, so we?re looping loops.