
One guest
6 videos (or more)
their selection

Every month we invite a guest to present their selection of six videos that exist online and that revolve around a subject of their choice, a favourite genre, a personal take on things or an obsession. Go ahead, take a look around our archive.

June 2014
María Urrutia Baliño


The capacity to become aware and gain an understanding of an inner reality that had ordinarily remained unconscious.

When Videoplaylist invited me to submit a selection of six videos found on the net, related to a personal interest, a specific genre, a point of view, or an obsession of some kind, I immediately knew what subject I would choose. But after a few days, I realised that the videoplaylist format allowed me to present something like an anti-discourse, a chaotic narrative thread.

I guess that our intellectual side needs us to stake out a little path with stepping-stones: a title, a statement, an anthology, a summary, a theory of some kind. Knowledge, basically. It is a need to feed our minds, to make our mark, influence others, feed them from our own harvest, take over their bodies for a moment. To put reality back into the breeding ground where we can reap what we have transformed with our minds and give it back to society with out own stamp, so that others can take it and consume it again.

There are an infinite number of possible subjects to write and find videos about? deep-sea octopuses, Maria Reiche, Wernicke?s aphasia, the two-point iron? and the only thread joining them would be me.

But as the wonderful Temple Grandin said about the way her mind works: ?I think in pictures and I connect them.? Her autism allows her to. She thinks in links and hyperlinks and I think she goes a step further than we do. She is freer, perhaps she is more alive if such a thing can be measured.

So this is my selection, the result of a five-minute conversation thinking in pictures.

I hope you enjoy it. Feel free to intellectualise it if you want to, but I recommend that you simply laugh, because as Eric Berne said:

The road to freedom is through laughter, and until he learns that, man will be enslaved, either subservient to his masters or fighting to serve under a new master. The masters know this very well and that?s why they are masters.