
One guest
6 videos (or more)
their selection

Every month we invite a guest to present their selection of six videos that exist online and that revolve around a subject of their choice, a favourite genre, a personal take on things or an obsession. Go ahead, take a look around our archive.

Mar. 2015
Cris Celada

As a certain cutting-edge dramaturge says, we women use TEATRON videoplaylists to talk about our own lives, so I'm going to tell you about my trip to Las Vegas, and how I saw Britney Spears... I saw her from afar, but I saw her.

That?s right. I went to Las Vegas, Nevada, in 2013.


This was my favourite spot. This place is spectacular. And I'm not the only one who thinks so: Leen Vangincken, for example, can feel the history of Las Vegas through its neon signs.

And wondering through Las Vegas among neons, war veterans, Coyote Bar girls, the sound of money... we talk about Britney Spears: her childhood in a small town in Mississippi, her attempt to become a Mouseketeer at the age of 8, rejection, a second attempt, success. And of course, if you become a Mouseketeer you buy into weird stuff like ?I?m going to remain a virgin until my wedding day?.

But things really start to get interesting when she leaves the Mouseketeers and, like a repressed nymphet, starts getting slutty.

Because these post-teens raised by Disney who haven't read a book in their lives hit the streets and go crazy. And they hit showbiz, which drives them crazy too. Poor little things.

I find the Mouseketeer nymphet thing quite fascinating, with the whole industry around them, the glitter, and then the decadence. I think it?s the perfect script for an anti-story: it starts with ?And they lived happily ever..."

Then they hook up with Paris Hilton and off they go...

This is how it begins:


Every man and his dog has done a cover version of this song. Britney is a great inspiration to all kinds of artists out there; here are a few:

Clearly, it?s a killer track.


My favourite versioners, Salem: TILL THE WORLDS END. What a track!

South Park refrences the lottery / Britney Spears

There?s an episode of South Park (I think it's episode 2, season 12) that tells a secret legend, known only to a few: apparently, once in a while, a Mouseketeer is sacrificed for the good of the country. In this episode Britney dies by flashes. In the video, the end of Britney:


The marines also need inspiration, because war is an awful thing. I found a whole lot of Marines videos; it seems that Marines dance a lot.


This one took inspiration too far, even though he was on quite a few talk shows afterwards.

Before watching the video, I like to go over what he says with my very serious, atonal, very strict inner voice.

?... Leave Britney alone, leave her alone right now, I mean it. Anyone who has a problem with her can deal with me, because she's not well right now... Leave her alone.?

Britney KingKong

And this is what the anonymous group LeerEsSexy, who also went to Las Vegas, did with Britney.

By the way, ?King Kong Theory? by Virgina Despentes... Highly recommended!