
One guest
6 videos (or more)
their selection

Every month we invite a guest to present their selection of six videos that exist online and that revolve around a subject of their choice, a favourite genre, a personal take on things or an obsession. Go ahead, take a look around our archive.

Apr. 2015
Iñaki Álvarez

Walk or Die

The truth is that nowadays all of us, including walkers, are basically fainthearted mishmash that half-heartedly embark on never-ending endeavours. Our expeditions go no further than a stroll, and at dusk we return to the familiar place that we started out from, the place where our hearts reside. Half of the distance covered is simply retracing our steps. Perhaps we should prolong the briefest of strolls, with an enduring spirit of adventure, and never return, at peace with the idea that the only part of us that will return to our bereaved kingdoms is our embalmed hearts, as relics. If you feel ready to abandon your mother and father, sister and brother, wife, son and friends, to never see them again; if you have settled your debts, made your will, and put your affairs in order; if you are a free man, if that is how things stand, then you are ready to start walking.

Walking, Henry David Thoreau

Links: -

Travelling with google maps

Gerry (Trailer) Gus Van Sant

The Green Line - Francis Alÿs

The lovers - Marina Abramovic and Ulay

Walking on Water
